Book A Therapy Appointment

How booking a therapy appointment works

When you book your therapy appointment, we’ll start off with a free phone call, where we’ll spend up to 30 minutes discussing your issues, goals, any questions you have, and how I can help you. By the end of the call, we’ll have figured out if booking a therapy session is right for you. 

I can typically see people within 1 week of the initial call for their first therapy session.

Have questions? Let’s connect.

If you have any questions about booking an appointment, cannot find a convenient time, have any issues completing the intake forms, or about anything else, please contact me using the form below. You can also see my FAQ or About pages to learn more about my clinical psychology practice. 


(03) 7020 2738

Locations and hours:

Consulting Rooms Melbourne in Fitzroy North:
Monday: 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM
R2R Health In Moonee Ponds:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 9 AM to 6:20 PM

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